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Picuki is an Instagram web viewer, Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms nowadays. With its growing popularity, Instagram has imposed some restrictions on the safety of the users and one of them is private profiles. Private profiles help to keep your information safe from unknown communities and it is visible to only those in your follower’s list. But sometimes, we have to view an Instagram profile without following them. You might be wondering if that is even possible. Well yes, Picuki can help you view an Instagram account by using their application. In this article, we will learn all about Picuki and how it works.

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Picuki is called by multiple names as per our research, that includes pocuki, pickuki, picuku, picucki, all these names are for Picuki Instagram web viewers, so don’t get confused with it.

Picuki, pocuki, pickuki, picuku, picucki
Picuki website interface

Picuki or Pocuki App

Picuki is an Instagram profile viewer that is completely anonymous and also called Pocuki. This software provides a free Instagram profile viewing option that includes all of the most recent posts, stories, videos, and other content. The app also includes a list of trending Instagram accounts, which you can view via the trending Instagram profile menu. Only non-private Instagram profile posts can be viewed using this tool. If you look for a private Instagram profile, you’ll see a message that says “Profile is private.”

How Picuki/Pocuki Instagram Viewer Works

It’s an Instagram web viewer, an Instagram post viewer, and an anonymous Instagram story viewer. It gives us access to a number of functions that aren’t available in the main app. Picuki.com is similar to an Instagram search engine. In general, there are two ways to use this website to stalk Instagram.

  • Using the account search feature
  • A hashtag to find what you’re looking for

Account Search

  • Go to www.Picuki.com to visit the official website.
  • The following page will be displayed. In the search bar, type in the Instagram username.
Picuki, pocuki, pickuki, picuku, picucki
Search Result for user account
  • After that, it will show you a list of accounts.
  • Simply select the account you’re looking for.
  • The account will be browsed anonymously.

Hashtag Search

  • Go to Picuki.com’s official website.
  • Click “search” and then “search icon” after typing in the hashtag you want to see.
Picuki, pocuki, pickuki, picuku, picucki
Search result for hashtag
  • The hashtag list is now visible.
  • As a result, you can tap the hashtag you want to see.

Download Pictures & Videos through Picuki

You may quickly download posts and videos.

  • Using any web browser, go to Picuki.com.
  • In the search bar on the following page, type the username.
  • A list of accounts with matched results will emerge.
  • Select the desired account by clicking on it.
  • Select the desired post by clicking on it.
  • From there, you can download the post.

Picuki App Download APK

Sadly, Picuki is not available for any mobile app. They just offer a website for now.

You can visit their website at: https://www.picuki.com/

Is Picuki Safe?

Picuki is completely secure and safe to use. While in use, it does not request permission or cookies. It is also absolutely safe for your computer. To log in to Instagram, you don’t need an account. As a result, websites like Picuki can be used to examine Instagram accounts and profile images. You can use this online viewer to anonymously watch and post Instagram stories.

Anonymity on Picuki App

This site provides you with an entirely anonymous identity. This implies you will be anonymous while using this tool. Without anyone knowing, you can look at someone’s posts, profile pictures, and stories. While in use, it does not request permission or cookies.

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