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Experiencing workplace harassment can be devastating. Offensive remarks, unwanted advances, or even threats can create a hostile work environment, causing immense emotional and psychological distress. It’s important to know that you’re not alone and that there are legal options to help you. This article explores the two main legal paths for victims of workplace harassment: criminal defense and personal injury lawsuits. Understanding these options can be empowering, providing a way to seek justice and regain a sense of control.

What Constitutes Workplace Harassment?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines workplace harassment as unwelcome conduct based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information. This conduct can be verbal, nonverbal, physical, or cyberbullying and can interfere with an individual’s work performance or create a hostile work environment. Harassment can come from supervisors, co-workers, clients, or customers.

Here are some examples of different types of workplace harassment:

Verbal harassment: Offensive remarks, insults, jokes of a sexual nature, threats, or slurs.

Nonverbal harassment: Intimidating gestures, stalking, offensive displays of imagery, or unwelcome physical proximity.

Physical harassment: Assault, unwanted touching, or sexual assault.

Cyberbullying: Offensive emails, messages, or social media posts targeting a victim.

It’s important to remember that harassment can be subtle or overt. Repeated instances of even seemingly minor offenses can create a hostile work environment.

The Role of Criminal Defense Lawyers in Workplace Harassment

While most workplace harassment falls under civil law, criminal charges may be applicable in certain situations. If the harassment involves violent threats, stalking, sexual assault, or other criminal activity, seeking legal representation from a criminal defense lawyer is crucial. These lawyers specialize in protecting your rights and representing you in court if you face false accusations arising from the harassment incident.

In the event that a coworker makes violent threats against you, for example, a criminal defense attorney can assist you in obtaining a restraining order and safeguarding your safety. They will also represent you in court, assist with police investigations, and defend your rights in the event that charges are brought against you. Law enforcement is an essential component of any criminal investigation; they will collect evidence, speak with witnesses, and possibly prosecute the offender.

Personal Injury Lawsuits for Workplace Harassment

Personal injury lawsuits offer another avenue for victims of workplace harassment to seek compensation for the damages caused by this misconduct. These lawsuits are filed in civil court and can help recover various types of damages, including:

Medical expenses: Therapy sessions, medications, or other treatments for emotional distress caused by the harassment.

Lost wages: Compensation for lost income or missed career opportunities due to harassment. This can include situations where the hostile work environment forced you to resign or significantly impacted your work performance.

Pain and suffering: Compensation for the emotional and psychological impact of the harassment, which can include anxiety, depression, PTSD, or loss of self-esteem.

For a personal injury lawsuit to be successful, the harassment must be considered severe enough to create a “hostile work environment”. This means the harassment was pervasive, meaning it happened frequently and/or was very serious, and it unreasonably interfered with your work performance or created a hostile atmosphere. Evidence is crucial in these cases, and documented instances of harassment, witness testimonies, and emails can be used to build a strong case, for more info visit Melanson Law.

Choosing the Right Legal Path: Criminal Defense vs. Personal Injury

Consulting with a lawyer is essential for anyone facing workplace harassment. A lawyer can evaluate your specific situation and advise you on the most appropriate legal course of action. Here are some factors to consider when choosing between a criminal defense lawyer and a personal injury lawyer:

The severity of the harassment:

  1. If the harassment involves threats, violence, or sexual assault, a criminal defense lawyer is crucial to protect your rights and navigate potential criminal charges.
  2. Personal injury lawsuits typically focus on the civil damages caused by harassment, such as emotional distress or lost wages.0

Desired outcome:

  1. A criminal defense lawyer aims to protect your rights and fight potential criminal charges arising from the harassment incident.
  2. A personal injury lawyer focuses on seeking compensation for damages and potentially holding the employer accountable for allowing the harassment to occur.

In some situations, you might even be able to pursue both options. While a criminal case addresses the criminal act itself, a personal injury lawsuit focuses on the civil damages you suffered due to the harassment. Consulting a lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of pursuing both legal paths simultaneously.

The Legal Process: A Roadmap for Seeking Justice

Both criminal defense and personal injury cases involve a legal process that can be complex. Here’s a simplified overview of the general steps involved:

Consultation with an Attorney: Discuss your case and legal options in detail with an attorney specializing in either criminal defense or personal injury law, depending on the nature of your situation.

Evidence Gathering: Compile evidence to substantiate your claims of harassment. This may include witness statements, emails, text messages, voice recordings, or company documents documenting the harassment.

Filing a Complaint: In criminal cases, you or your lawyer will file a complaint with law enforcement. In personal injury cases, your lawyer will file a formal lawsuit in civil court against the employer (or other responsible party).

Investigation and Discovery: Law enforcement will investigate criminal cases, while both sides in a personal injury lawsuit will engage in discovery, a process of exchanging information and gathering evidence through depositions and document requests.

Outcome: Depending on the case, the outcome may involve criminal charges being dismissed, a settlement being reached between the parties involved, or a court judgment. In personal injury cases, a settlement might involve financial compensation for the damages you suffered. If the case goes to trial, the judge or jury will ultimately decide on a verdict and potential damages awarded.

Finding the Right Support: Resources for Victims of Workplace Harassment

Facing workplace harassment can be isolating and emotionally draining. Here are some resources available to help you through this difficult time:

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): The EEOC enforces federal laws that prohibit employment discrimination, including workplace harassment. They offer resources and information on filing a complaint.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center: This organization provides support and resources for victims of sexual assault, which can be a component of workplace harassment in some cases.

Mental health support services: Talking to a therapist or counselor can be immensely helpful in coping with the emotional and psychological effects of harassment.

Remember, you are not alone. There are resources available to support you and help you navigate the legal process.


Workplace harassment is a serious issue that can have a devastating impact on victims. Understanding your legal options empowers you to take action and seek justice. Consulting with a lawyer can help you determine the best course of action, whether it involves criminal defense to address potential criminal charges or a personal injury lawsuit to hold the perpetrator accountable and recover compensation for damages. Remember, speaking up against harassment and seeking legal help are crucial steps towards creating a safer and more respectful work environment for everyone.

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